Our Online Club Lotto will recommence after being on hold during the current Health Pandemic. A little different than before of course.
The Jackpot resumes at where we left off £900
The first draw, this week’s, is exclusively for all those who have continued to pay via Standing Order & Online Entry over the stoppage period. We very much appreciate your support & loyalty to the Club.
The Draw will be conducted via Club Force and published online this Friday night. Ádh mór oraibh
From then on, Tickets will be available to purchase for the Draws going forward. Ticket purchases will only be available Online for the foreseeable. Link to our Online Lotto is available on our Website Home page and will be shared regularly via Social Media. We will publish more details about playing online & how easy it is to do, very soon. You can play for multiple weeks so you don’t have to keep logging on & you can purchase tickets on behalf of someone else, helping someone out who might not have access. Full details later.
Go raibh maith agaibh for your continued support.